KC Inter Direct and RC Shikles

Ideas, Thoughts, Philosophies, Poems, Writings

Please check out some Ideas I present, mostly my own writings, but also others I share, I think are important. You will find a variety of philosophies, history, poems and stories I have written over the years. I have many more, but they were lost some years ago. Hope you enjoy reading here.
Your comments are welcome.


Welcome to the
   Ideas Web Pages of

R.C. Shikles

PO Box 307
Clinton,  MO  64735
e-mail:   R.C. Shikles

Category of Short Stories

"Adventure to Loyalton"

by RC Shikles
Written about a High Sierras, California trip, searching for an infamous story from CBS about Hal Wright.

"Return to New Zealand"

by RC Shikles
Story about the settling of the southern island of New Zealand by Lloyd Vient and his family. Temporarily on hold, awaiting return to NZ.


Chinese Stories of Interest

"First Week"

by RC Shikles
A short story of traveling to China, then learning all the differences of living conditions, in so many hundreds of little ways. Finally, seeing the rewards and problems leading up to finally being able to teach.

"Finally Teaching"

by RC Shikles
So many facinating things you learn walking into a class room the first day. But, when that class room is in a totally new country and culture, problems and rewards are multiplied.

Asian/Chinese Writings and Philosophies

"Taiping Rebellion"

Author - R.C. Shikles, August 2007
It is necessary to understand the Taiping Rebellion to
understanding the history of China prior to the 1911 revolution.

"China Earthquake of 2008"

Author - R.C. Shikles, May 2008
I have been back home almost a year when this terrible
earthquake hit southwestern China with a death toll of
28,000 (to date) and climbing. It is with such mixed
emotions I share these thoughts.

Review/Summary of Spirit of Chinese People

Author - Ku Hung-Ming
Book Review - RC Shikles

"CCTV9-Dialogue Program Comments"

Author - R.C. Shikles, May 12, 2005
Written for a Dialogue Program aired May 12.

"English - Go Forward to the World, Tourism Series."

Author - He DaoGuan,
Preface - RC Shikles, April 10, 2006
Exerpts from the Chinese Tourism Text Book.

"A Kiss Approach to Spoken English"

Author - R.C. Shikles, November 30, 2005
Per request of numerous Chinese English teachers

"Shyness - A Two Sided Coin"

Author - R.C. Shikles, June, 2004
Per request of numerous Chinese Students

"A Lecture on Literature and Language"

Author - R.C. Shikles, December 8, 2005
Given at Zhongshan University, Guangdong, China

"From Survitude to Citizen"

Author - R.C. Shikles, March 25, 2006


Other Categories of Ideas and Philosophies

"Not a White-Lights Person"

by Michael Kelly, published Dec. 12, 2001
Died Friday April 4, 2003 covering the war in Iraq

"Who Would Choose Tyranny?"

by Michael Kelly, February 26,2003
Today is Kuwait's Liberation Day

"Immorality on the March"

by Michael Kelly, February 19,2003
Concise presentation on the Morality of the Iraqi War

"Across the Euphrates"

by Michael Kelly, April 3,2003
East of the Euphrates River, Iraq

"What is the First Religion?"

by Robert Ingersoll

"About Prejudism?"

by Robert Ingersoll

"What is Morality?"

by Robert Ingersoll

"Consent of the Governed"

by Robert Ingersoll

"As I Matured"

Author - Unknown

"Deflating the Myth of Monogamy"

by David P. Barash

Category of Poetry

"Rebecca Kathern"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"Our Day"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"The Web's Park Bench"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"Bahama Sunrise"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"I Believe In You"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"Lone Star Heart"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"The Night that Almost Was"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"The First Day Away"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"The Last Time Away"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"A Woman On a Mission"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"Our Shining Star"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"Murphy's Law of Fatherhood"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"Where Are Those Promises"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"My Rose to You"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"What Would You Say"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"

"Where has all the Happiness Gone"

by RC Shikles - pseudo "Mr D"


Category of Art

Welcome to my "Art Collection"

Welcome to my art collection.   It is small but it is personal and I love it.   Here is a list of what I have collected.   Click on each button to display each item individually.

Button 1.   Guilin Artists at work.
Button 2.   Guilin Artists at work.
Button 3.   Chinese Painting from the Masters Room.
Button 4.   Chinese Tapestries.
Button 5.   Chinese Guzheng, horizontal harp.
Button 6.   Local Oklahoma Artist.
Button 7.   My pride, a New Zealand local artist and mountains of Queenstown.
Button 8.   Mountains of the Alps.
Button 9.   Paintings of Venice, Italian artist.
Button 10.   Anita Shikles, painted my home for me.
Button 11.   My family Pump Organ. Real family prize.
Button 12.   Chinese pendents I bought on ebay.com for $1.

Category of Humor

Welcome to my "Profiles for DUMMIES"
Click Here 

Here is the list of funny profiles I have found on the internet.

Profile 1.   Missouri Ozark Lady.
Profile 2.   Arkansas Park Designer.
Profile 3.   Arkansas Nurse.
Profile 4.   A Texas Retiree.

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