Across the Euphrates

Written by Michael Kelly
Thursday, April 3, 2003
On April 4, 2003 Mr Kelly became the first journalist
killed in the Iraqi Freedom War

Lt. Col. Ernest "Rock" Marcone takes the Task Foirce 3-69 towards Bagdad

EAST OF THE EUPHRATES RIVER, Iraq -- Near the crest of the bridge across the Euphrates that Task Force 3-69 Armor of the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division seized yesterday afternoon was a body that lay twisted from its fall. He had been an old man -- poor, not a regular soldier -- judging from his clothes. He was lying on his back, not far from one of several burning skeletons of the small trucks that Saddam Hussein's willing and unwilling irregulars employed. The tanks and Bradleys and Humvees and bulldozers and rocket launchers, and all the rest of the massive stuff that makes up the U.S. Army on the march, rumbled past him, pushing on.

On the western side of the bridge, Lt. Col. Ernest "Rock" Marcone, commander of Task Force 3-69, stood in the sand by the side of the road, smoking a cigar and drinking a cup of coffee. Marcone's soldiers say he deeply likes to win, and he seemed quietly happy. At 2 a.m. yesterday, Marcone had led his battalion into the assault with two objectives, both critical to the 3rd Infantry's drive to Baghdad. The first was to seize the Karbala Gap, a narrow piece of flat land between a lake and a river that offers a direct and unpopulated passageway to this bridge. The second was the bridge itself, the foothold across the Euphrates, last natural obstacle between the division and Baghdad.

Marcone's tanks, infantry and artillery, supported by Air Force bombers and the division's Apache and Blackhawk helicopters, had taken the Karbala Gap by 7 a.m. and the bridge by 4:20 p.m. "We now hold the critical ground through which the rest of the division can pass to engage and destroy the Republican Guard," Marcone said.

Saddam Hussein, of course, knew the Americans coming from Kuwait would have to cross the Euphrates. But he did not know where the crossing would be made. The American forces' plan, drafted and revised and revised again under intense pressure in the field, centered on keeping the regime in confusion on this one great question.

There were surprises. No one anticipated the degree to which the regime would be able, using guerrilla tactics, to harass and, for a brief while, stall the offensive in the south. But the basic structure of the plan never changed. It was to employ repeated feints to deceive the enemy as to the true direction of the assault north. This would force him to redeploy his key forces away from the Karbala Gap, while exposing his moving troops and his artillery to a devastating air campaign.

On Tuesday, after the division's 2nd Brigade conducted a successful two-day feint at the bridge across the Euphrates at the town of Hindiyah, and after days of increasingly intense targeted bombing and counter-battery artillery had reduced the Iraqi artillery in the area of the Gap to no more than two battalions, Gen. Buford Blount, the commander of the 3rd Infantry, approved the assault for the following morning. As the main brunt of the assault -- two tank companies and an infantry company -- began to move out toward the Gap, the task force's 3-7 infantry company moved east in one last feint, threatening the city of Karbala, to fix any Baath Party irregular forces in place there. The main assault, three columns of armored and soft-skinned vehicles, made its great, loud, dusty way across sand tracks through the Gap.

Weeks before, the battle for the Karbala Gap had been expected to be fierce. But misdirection and bombing had done great work of attrition. The night before the assault, Marcone had said, he expected to find little resistance left at the Gap. And he found little -- a small and lightly armed force.

The task force took 22 prisoners at the Gap, killed no one, suffered no casualties and pushed on as fast as three columns of armor can move, which is not fast at all, toward the bridge. There they found the first organized, coherent and serious military opposition in the war to date: what Marcone judges to be two battalions' worth of infantry, one of irregulars on the western side and one that he thinks might have been Republican Guard. The troops had rigged the bridge to explode and had established what Marcone said were excellent defensive positions on the eastern side.

But none of this affected the outcome, or even much slowed the advance. "First we destroyed all the near-side forces," Marcone said. "Then with artillery and aviation we destroyed much of the far side. The 3-7 crossed the river in boats, six of them, with engineers, to deal with the demo [explosives]. That was followed by an armored assault by three companies, two tanks and one infantry."

The fight lasted only several hours but was intense, Marcone said. "We took no prisoners," he said. "They fought until they died."

There were no American fatalities. By full dusk, the sporadic mortar fire had ceased, and everything was quiet except for an occasional bit of light arms fire in the farm fields beyond the bridgehead.

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