Beihai City China, 2003-4
Beihai Language School Teaching Tour
Let me share some pictures and information with you

Page 1    Beihai City, Guangxi Province
Page 2    Outside the School Gate
Page 3    Visiting Nanning
Special 1    School Bar-BQ Nov 2004
Special 2    Always at the Beach
Special 3    Special Photos of RC
Welcome to Beihai, a wonderful city on the South China sea and not far from Vietnam. This is a fishing city of around 400,000 with wonderful seafood. This is the entrance to the popular Silver Beach, a popular beach for locals and tourists.
Here is the entrance to Silver Beach, and the very "fine" sand is so clean and looks very silverish,
especially with this pale, but good looking visitor.

This was a wonderful trip to Beihai. These were my travel companions and friends. MoQiChen's (my student assistant) family and friends all met for lunch before we left Liuzhou for the 5 hour car drive. All these I will introduce later, would become my good friends over the next few weeks.
Let me introduce you to MoQiChen and his parents. They are wonderful parents and have raised a fine son. There is no finer young man and he has been of great assistance to me this whole year, translating, and doing many errons that are difficult for me as a foreigner.
MoQiChens parents are a good example of the wonderful Chinese courtesy. They went far beyond courtesy as they took care of seeing that my hotel, eating, transportation was always taken care of. They still had their work with Guangxi Television and the Red Cross to do while taking care of me.
Let me also introduce you to the friends of the Mo family.
Let me also introduce you to the friends of the Mo family.

I could introduce you to hundreds of Beihai people who were always courtous to me. Chinese people, especially ladies, lover to have their photo taken with the unsual foreigners. We frequented this restaurant and I was glad to have my photo taken with these lovely young people.
Beihai is becoming a tourist attraction with its wonderful beaches. But, it is still a fishing town where all the fishing is done at night. The tide comes in the coves allowing these boats to go out and fish every night. You can see the lights of the boats just off shore during the entire night.
Some of the coves on the inland areas get really crowded as they hook up their boats near their homes.
Every where I go I keep noticing how the work is always done so basically and by hand. Here some street repair is done by hammer and chisel, giving lots of people work since their are so many people here.
During a day trip I had the chance to visit the farm of a friend of the family. I had heard much about the difficulty of farmers and it was great to visit here. It was a wonderful visit the the farm family (I did not get their name) was very courteous.
I was glad to get a photo of this tractor, I see this all over China and is used frequently.
The farm owner lives in town, and this is the home of one of the farm workers.
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