ZhongShan, GuongDong China, 2004-5
ZhongShan University, GuangDong Teaching Tour
Let me share some pictures and information with you
Page 1    ZhongShan Institute/Lecture
Page 2    ZS Institute Teachers Show
Page 3    College Sports Day Parade
Page 4    College Sports Day Events
Page 5    Trip to Shantou/Chaozhou Cities
Special 1    Writing/Business English Classes
Special 2    Spoken English Classes
Special 3    Hot Pot Dinners with students
Special 4    2006 New Years, Blood Donor
Special 5    On the Streets of Zhongshan
New Years 2006, Red Cross Sponsored Day at the Park

I was invited to come to the park by a teacher.
I was late and missed all the wonderful dancing by some children.

When I arrived I soon found that many of my students were volunteers for the Red Cross with numberous chapters. I was easily talked into donating blood which I have done in America for years and several times in Beihai in China. I was happy to give some blood.
Don't be fooled. This is a "almost" painless contribution. Of course those who know me know that I always need to put as much humor into anything I do, and blood donation is no different.
When I sat down I discovered there was another foreigner also donating blood. She was from Australia and been in China for 8 years. Not the Red Cross was really excited to have two "whites", "big noses" at the same time. It did not take long for the TV station and newspaper to be called. The Red Cross wanted to get as much out of this as possible.
One of my students pointed out the all the Red Cross uniforms had "RC" on them. We decided that they were my solders. Well, actually R.C. was for Red Cross, sorry.
I had a "donor card" but it was back in my apartment. Two questions became important. How many times have I donated blood in China? TWO times please in Beihai, Guangxi. Also, how old are you? We do not take blood from anyone over 50. Oh, in that case I am 50.
I discovered that blood classification in China is different. They wanted to know if I knew what blood type I was. I said "O positive". What? I guess they do not classify other then "O" or "A" etc. To my surprise they took my word for it and did not do the test to determine if I was correct.
By this time the media had arrived. This gentleman was from the local TV/Radio station.
He interviewed me and had pretty good English. He also recorded me and that was when I started to stutter. (Yes I have my moments)

I waited awhile as they also interview Christine Strikland of the China-Hong Kong English School. The cameras are out of sight and the video camera as well.
While all this was going on the Regional Director for the Red Cross also decided to participate in the donation. She sat down and seemed to be very nervous and we all had to tell her to breath now, breath slow and deeply. I failed to get her card and name.
ALL RIGHT, time to get down to business and get the "blood out". This lady remembered me from the newspaper article that apparently was in the Red Cross papers from the donation I made in Beihai.
Of course I talked to her as if she knew every word I was saying. I just rambled on and asking here if she was sure she knew what she was doing. How many times have you done this? Hummmm that needle looks a bit larger then I remember from the size we use in America.
OK, , , OK, , , I will leave you alone to do your job. Actually the needle was a bit larger I do believe, but it was not problem for me or the nurse to make the injection.
I was amused by another lady who seemed to be interested in all this fuss with these foreigners. She did speak English some and I am sure she thought we were a bit crazy or may "typical capitalist".

OK, here it goes, , , ahhhhhh that feels good.

Those who know me know that I must all that goes on. I want to see what I can learn about any differences on how his process is done.
Hey, what is going on here, seems to be alot of "hands in the operation" don't you think? Including that "phantom hand", where did it come from?
Ok folks, lets compare blood. Is Chinese blood on the left and my American blood any difference? Hummm doesn't look the same. Ok, the truth, the other man just started filling his bag. Also, he was only giving 200 units (grams I think) and I was giving 400. They thought I was strong enough to give more. Hummm, sounds like a sales hype to me.
ALRIGHT, all done. Hey put the bag of blood on my hand so the cameras could take pictures and bring this fiasco to an end. It also gave the other man time to finish filling his bag. I tried to get him to race me to see who could fill the bag first.
Wish I had time to share the whole story with you. This was a great and funny story and we had fun doing this. These students of mine just took care of me like "mother hens". They took these photos, held my elbow so I would not "bleed" afterwards and then took me out to eat so I could get my "strength back". They amazed that I gave 400 units, Chinese usually only give 200. Hey, don't eat my wontons.
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