Personal Pages of RC Shikles
These are Photos of home, family, travels, hope you enjoy
Let me share some pictures and information with you
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     Page 1    Personal/Home Photos
     Page 2    Home/Family Photos
     Page 3    China Teaching Tour, 2003-6
     Page 4    What will come next?
Trip 1    Austria/Europe March 2000
Trip 2    New Zealand/Australia August 2000
Trip 3    France/Switzerland March 2001
Trip 4    France Rivera March 2001
Trip 5    Costa Rica July 2001
Trip 6    Philippine Islands Trip
Ski Trip to New Zealand and Touring Australia, 2000

Borrowed a picture of 'Doubtful Sound'.  This isolated inlet on the west side of the south island of New Zealand, show the wonderful cliffs.

Great Steamer, built in 1912 and still running,
in Queenstown harbor with the 'Remarkables' mountains
in the background where we skied.

A view from the air and from Queenstown of New Zealands beautiful mountains.

Flying from Queenstown to Christ Christ,
you see the beautiful snow capped mountains, sounds and lakes.

A view of Queenstowns airport and the Remarkables
Skied the other side of the Remarkables

More views from the coast of Queenstown.

Across the bay at Queenstown

Taken from the shore of Queenstown across Lake Wakatipu
showing Cecil Peak and Walter Peak

A view of Lake Wakatipu from The 'Remarkables' mountains 2343m on the left, Queenstown below, Cecil Peak 1974m in middle and Walter Peak 1815m on the far right.

Now let's go to Sydnia Australia

Here is the famous Opra House and Bridge Downtown Syndia and it's beautiful skyline
Here are the Blue Mountains and starting OUTBACK

Here at the Blue Mountains are beautiful valleys and rain forests

Heading past the Blue Mountains to the New South Wales Outback

Now let's go OUTBACK New South Wales

Now let's go to Cootamundra New South Wales Australia

Cootamundra Hotel

Cootamundra Main Street

Cootamundra Train Station
Cootamundra Post Office
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