Personal Pages of RC Shikles
These are Photos of home, family, travels, hope you enjoy
Let me share some pictures and information with you
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     Page 3    China Teaching Tour, 2003-6
     Page 4    What will come next?
Trip 1    Austria/Europe March 2000
Trip 2    New Zealand/Australia August 2000
Trip 3    France/Switzerland March 2001
Trip 4    France Rivera March 2001
Trip 5    Costa Rica July 2001
Trip 6    Philippine Islands Trip

Ski Trip, French Alps March 2001

A borrowed picture of the Charmonix mountains
Mt Blance in the background and look close for the tower

Pictures were hard to get, here are some of the ski slopes

The vastness is also hard to get, look here at the valley below

Top of one of the passes, praying at a locked church

Now let's go to Geneve Switzerland

The old palace at Geneve, the old mott can hardly be seen

A monument to the Reformation where Geneve was the center

An interesting Dual Sundial on two walls

Beautiful Russian Orthodox church, near the palace

Here is Annecy, The Venice of France

The old prison in the city of Annecy surrounded with the spillway of the lake

High in the alps is this clean and beautiful city
Beautiful lake which overflows through the city of Annecy

Unlike the Italian Venice, Annecy has constant fresh water flowing under the city

How about a little bit of Switzerland


There are castles scattered all over the place

Farmers here join their house and the barn

Here is the town of Montreux on the other end of the lake from Geneve

What a view of the Alps, across lake Geneve in Montreux

One of these days I will remember the name of this castle
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