Guilin City China, 2004-5
Guangxi Normal University Teaching Tour
Let me share some pictures and information with you

Page 1    Guangxi University, Guilin City
Page 2    Foreign Language School
Page 3    ZaXu Day Trip
Page 4    Art Musuem
Page 5    Coming Soon
Page 6    Music Testing
Special 1    Class 1
Special 2    Class 2
Special 3    Class 3
Special 4    Class 4
Special 5    Class 5
Special 6    Class 6
Special 7    Class 7

Here is the few out of my apartment window. A view of the back road and the dormatories of the students. It sometimes is a bit noisy, especially on Friday and Saturday nights.

Welcome to the mountains of Guilin. Lots of farm land and moisture around the city of Guilin providing annual rain fall great for farming. The farms here are individually farmed and wonderfully groomed.

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