Liuzhou China, 2003-4
Guangxi University of Technology Teaching Tour
Let me share some pictures and information with you

Page 1    Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province
Page 2    Guangxi University of Technology
Page 3    GXTU Students
Page 4    Liuzhou City - 2003 Christmas
Page 5    Activities of Liuzhou City
Page 6    Meeting Liuzhou People
Special 1    Chinese Weddings
Special 2    Huachi Hot Springs Trip
Special 3    End of School Year 2004
Special 4    Beihai, South China Seaport
Special 5    Trip to Jinziu Yaozu County
Special 6    Student Stories & Essays

Welcome to Guangxi Technical University with a view to the north across
the football (soccer) field.   Can you see my apartment across the way?

The white building is the library with one of the class room building also shown.

Again the library from a different angle with the Engineering building also shown.

Here you see the center court of the Foreign Language Department where I
teach English Writing.   The University was moved to Liuzhou City from
Nanning in 1958 and this building was built in the 1980's.

All the class rooms in this building are like this one.   My first class had 70 students, so you see it is certainly a bit crowded.   Still the students are a little more eager to learn.

Here is an eastern view from my deck.  These are the faculty quarters and the basketball courts where there seems to be games every night.

A sunset with a western view.  You can see the city in the distance, a rare occurance.  Also, a wonderful vegetable garden.

These farmers and tending these neatly groomed gardens from sunup to sunset.

The University hospitality is wonderful as exemplified by these wonderful flowers awaiting me when I arrived in my apartment on November 11.

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