Liuzhou China, 2003-4
Guangxi University of Technology Teaching Tour
Let me share some pictures and information with you

Page 1    Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province
Page 2    Guangxi University of Technology
Page 3    GXTU Students
Page 4    Liuzhou City - 2003 Christmas
Page 5    Activities of Liuzhou City
Page 6    Meeting Liuzhou People
Special 1    Chinese Weddings
Special 2    Huachi Hot Springs Trip
Special 3    End of School Year 2004
Special 4    Beihai, South China Seaport
Special 5    Trip to Jinziu Yaozu County
Special 6    Student Stories & Essays

Let me introduce you to some friends I see everyday as I leave
the university campus, they are our local motorcycle taxi drivers.

I saw these young ladies waiting for the bus to go back to school, had to sneak a picture.   There is no school buses, the public buses are used.

Children are always an interest of adults, but these children were only interested in getting close to me and were excited to pose for a picture, except for the boy in the front, he was not sure.

This sure brings back memories of the swimming hole I enjoyed as a child.

Found these boys along the river park.   By holding up my camera it did not take them long to assembly for a picture.   I think they were about to get into somewhere.

Along the river I found time standing still.   These gentleman were rebuilding their
boats using tools I had not seen before.


These women seemed to be doing what they had done their whole lives.


Older people and men seemed to be playing games all over town.
This alley way game seemed to be a secret or private gathering.


These women seemed to be doing what they had done their whole lives as well, or were they?

There always seemed to be those individuals who had to work all the time to provide for their families.

This gentleman followed me all over the park.

As a foreigner you get used to being watched all the time.

I don't think this is a legal substance for smoking.

The orderly assistance of waiters and waitresses was of great interest to me.
Again, everyone enjoyed having their pictures taken.


The Parks were filled with walkers on this sunny day.   People of Liuzhou always bundle up and were always amazed at me wearing short sleeved shirts.

Not enough space to tell you the story here.   Could not get away from this jolly fellow without him taking my picture, so I returned the favor.

The art of making flat noodles is demonstrated here.

The art of making round noodles is demonstrated here.

This gentleman would not let me take his picture unless I took it at the exact spot he desired, guess it was a better background setting.

Some people would walk right up to you and look you in the face for a log time and slowly roam away.   Had to sneak a picture here.

On this sunny Saturday, there were performers in the park.   As a foreigner I was brought to center stage and hope to get some pictures from friends.

There are those who would rather have a nap on this sunny day, not interested in the noise.   Other then eating, this is a favorite time here in China.

Took a stroll through the River Park last weekend and got in the middle of some singing and these entertainers.   This wonderful ole gentleman had so much he wanted to tell me.   He did know a little English and wanted to talk but still needed my interpreter.

These singers and entertainers would not let this foreigner pass without including him in the singing and activities.   They gave me hot water as is the custom and what everyone drinks.   Of course I could not get away without having their picture taken with me.

Time for a nice river ride, like being in Venice.

We could not get this kindly ole gentleman to stop telling his stories.
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